Your Concierge Physician Encourages You To Plan for Safe Holiday Celebrations

October 28, 2020

Thanksgiving Dinner: Pass the COVID The holidays are coming up fast. It is hard to imagine these holidays without our traditional family gatherings and meals.  We are all tired of the social isolation we have been complying with to prevent getting sick with COVID and spreading it. I have had several patients talk to me…

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Your Concierge Doctor Gives an Update on COVID 19

July 23, 2020

I wanted to  update my patients with new information as more is developing with the challenges of the coronavirus. First, I wanted to say how grateful and proud I am of all of you who have adjusted and made wise decisions in light of the virus. We have worked together to ensure your best health…

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Your Concierge Doctor Invites You to Try Grateful Living Practices

April 8, 2020

Daily Grateful Living Practice Ideas This is from Here are 30 Daily Grateful Living Practices for you to try. These practices range from actions that will take you only a moment to those that will take a larger commitment of your time. If there is one practice on this list that you would like…

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Your Concierge Physician Sends and Update on COVID 19

April 3, 2020

To my patients, I hope this email finds you safe and well. Some new information since the previous email newsletter. It now seems that even non-symptomatic patients without temperatures or cough can be contagious. It is now being recommended that all people should be wearing masks to protect themselves as well as others when in…

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Your Concierge Doctor Wants to Help You Deal With The Corona Virus CoVid19

March 21, 2020

New events in the last four weeks have been both alarming and unprecedented. It is natural to be concerned about doing everything possible to stay well. The following are the most important things as presented by the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization: Wash your hands for 20 seconds often Cover your coughs…

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Your Concierge Physician Shares Information on the Advantages of Dental Implants

December 11, 2017

Richard Schell DDS, MS is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in private practice in Redondo Beach, California. He has written numerous articles for medical/surgical journals on implants, implant surgical techniques, bone grafting and ridge augmentation. This is a brief summary from him about the advantages of dental implants. For more information visit his website…

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Your Concierge Doctor Shares Information on Supplements for Arthritis Pain

December 11, 2017

Louise Connolly MD is board certified in Integrative Medicine and in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is  in private practice in Redondo Beach. Visit her website for more information. You can contact her at 310-372-4706. She has written many articles on various aspects of pain and she has allowed me to share them with you. Here is another…

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Your Concierge Doctor Invites You to Learn Caregiving Essestials- FREE workshop

July 11, 2017

Caregiving Essentials Workshop Caregiving can be difficult, stressful and exhausting.  David Hart Ph. D. offers a FREE 4 hour workshop on caregiving.  Dr Hart is a psychotherapist with a specialty in dementia and dealing with their care givers.  In this interactive workshop you will learn techniques to manage challenging behaviors, stress reduction, strategies for communication and what…

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